Admission requirements for the BFS vocational training school

Admission to the first year of the BFS requires

  • an intermediate school-leaving certificate (such as from a Realschule, Wirtschaftsschule, year 10 of a Gymnasium, a special examination or a ‘Quabi’)
  • evidence of an adequate knowledge of German (in the case of foreign applicants)
  • all applicants to take an entrance examination

Admission to the second year of the BFS requires

  • possession of entitlement to study at a German university or applied sciences university (or equivalent)
  • plus evidence of a typewriting speed of at least 150 characters per minute (to be provided at the latest at the commencement of the school year)
  • all applicants to take an entrance examination

Previous linguistic knowledge?

If you choose one of the following languages as your major foreign language

English, French intermediate school-leaving certificate level
Spanish no previous knowledge required

… and one of the following as your minor foreign language

English intermediate school-leaving certificate level
French, Spanish no previous knowledge required

No previous knowledge of your chosen specialist field of study is required.

Evidence of proficiency in German

Applicants whose native language is not German must produce a certificate documenting their proficiency in German.
The following examination certificates are accepted:

    • The Goethe Institute’s C1 certificate, grade 2 or better; the Goethe Institute’s C2 certificate (any grade); the Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (the Goethe Intitute’s central advanced language test, or ZOP) certificate (any grade).
    • Die DHS (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang, or university entrance German language examinaton) C1 certificate, level DSH 2 or higher.
      The DSH examination is also the final examination for students completing the C1 ‛Qualifizierungsstufe II′ from the ‛Deutschkurse für Ausländer′ courses available at Adelheidstrasse 13b, 80798 Munich.
    • The DSPC (Deutsche Sprachprüfung II) C1-C2 examination certificate offered by the ‛Sprachen und Dolmetscher Institut′ (SDI) at Baierbrunner Strasse 28, 81379 Munich.
    • The successful completion of a pre-university ‛Studienkolleg′ course.
    • The B2-C1 TestDaF (test of German as a foreign language) in the Four Skills, from Level 4 upwards, may be taken outside Germany or at a testing centre in Germany. Details are available from TANDEM München e.V., Internationale Sprachschule, Kurfürstenplatz 5, 80796 Munich.
    • Any applicant providing certification other than as listed above should ask the issuing body to confirm what level their certificate equates to within the Common European Framework of Reference.

Für die Anerkennung ausländischer Schulabschlüsse ist die Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für den Freistaat Bayern, Pündterplatz 5, 80803 München, Tel. 089/383849-0 zuständig.