Subject bias

Your specialist field of study encompasses the special subject bias you have chosen to study in depth, expanding your knowledge of the terminology and deepening your understanding of the subject.

At the Institute, you can choose an economics bias or an engineering bias.

An economics bias is the only choice available at the BFS and if your major foreign language at the FAK is French.

Economics Engineering

The subjects and courses listed here are biased according to your choice:

  • German and bilingual economic or engineering theory and terminology
  • Translation of economic or engineering texts from or into your major foreign language
  • Impromptu (unseen) translation
  • Computer-based terminology research processing and computer-assisted translation, using translation tools
  • Interpreting on economic or engineering themes
  • Class outings and trips (in Germany and abroad)
  • Projects

Why do I need a specialist field of study?

The Transforum coordinating committee on ‘Lehre und Praxis’, or ‘learning and using’, explains it thus –

“Translation training with regard for a subject bias aims to equip a student to reproduce the correct technical terminology in another language. Technical translation falls into a wide variety of specialist fields encompassing text types typical of manuals, product literature, annual and financial reports, technical essays, contracts, regulations and laws, norms and patents. Specialization is therefore essential.”

Translating and interpreting such material is impossible without an effective understanding of its content. Whether you choose an economics or an engineering bias, the subjects to be studied are combined with one another so as to equip you with a wide knowledge of the subject.

This should also equip you to expand your knowledge into associated fields as and when translating or interpreting work is required.

PDF document

Choosing an economics bias at the FAK and the BFS
(in German)

PDF document

Our courses – Economics bias flyer
(in German)

PDF document

Choosing an engineering bias at the FAK
(in German)

PDF document

Our courses – Engineering bias flyer
(in German)